You have two options to integrate our published jobs into your website.

1. Redirect to career page built on our platform using the site builder (recommended) 2. Build your own career page using our APIs
Building the career site Built using site builder on Whitecarrot:
Add video, text or a company banner to build beautiful career page. (NO CODE) Built by your team

| | Level of customization | Limited customization: You can create a beautiful career page but customization options are limited. | More customization:

1. Redirect to career page built using site builder (recommended)

We host your career page, all you have to do is redirect to your career page link (available in settings) from your website.

You can build this career page without depending on any engineers or designers from your team.

**Click here to know more about how to set up your career page.**

2. Build your own career page using our APIs

API integration allows you to add jobs anywhere on your website.

Jobs are fetched via the Application Programming Interface (API), their descriptions, related metadata and the apply link.

Click here to know more about how your own career page using our APIs